HUMANO SEGUROS launches IZI, an electronic commerce platform based on the ITSS Business Solution.

On May 25, 2020, the first multi-branch digital purchasing experience of the insurance industry in the Dominican Republic was launched.
IZI, from HUMANO SEGUROS, allows users to buy, fully digitally and through the HUMANO mobile application, travel, vehicle, electronic device insurance, among other products and services.
“We are very happy with the response and acceptance that the market has given to our new insurance sales and services channel. It is a paradigm shift in the Dominican Republic and we will continue to innovate together with our business partners to make life easier for our policyholders, especially the emerging generations to whom the new product portfolio is aimed, “said Diomares Musa, Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Development of HUMANO.
Juan Carlos Restrepo, Vice President of Information and Communications Technology, stated: “For us, it was an interesting challenge to integrate the ITSS Business Solution (IBS) into our mobile application. In this way, we make available to our policyholders, in one place, in their hands, everything they need to have a flexible insurance solution adapted to their lifestyle. ”
José Frank Almeyda, Regional Director for America of ITSS GLOBAL, said that “they are very satisfied that HUMANO has chosen their solution as a digital and electronic commerce platform to expand the offer of products and services to their policyholders. We are confident that the flexibility and scalability that IBS offers will allow HUMANO to continue innovating and growing continuously. ”
For more information about IZI you can go to