ITSS Global is proud to announce that HengHe (Cambodia) Commercial Bank Plc. went live with the Temenos T24 Transact R20

ITSS Global is proud to announce that HengHe (Cambodia) Commercial Bank Plc. went live with the Temenos T24 Transact R20

Geneva, May 14, 2021 – ITSS Global is proud to announce that HengHe (Cambodia) Commercial Bank Plc. went live on March 7th, 2021, with the Temenos T24 Transact Release 20, in Cambodia.

The main objective of this green field implementation project was primarily to enable HengeHe Bank become a market disruptor. ITSS leadership and services during the seven-month project implementation support the bank’s aggressive expansion plans to reach the digitally minded millennial market segment. With the adoption of the trend-setting Temenos technology available in R20, HengeHe Bank is well positioned to be the leading technologically progressive financial services provider in Cambodia by fast tracking the adoption of digital banking services, and promoting social and economic progress in the country.

Temenos T24 Transact will serve to optimize HengHe’s operations, enabling them to deliver enhanced digital products on a much shorter timescale, thus making their offer more accessible and cost effective by significantly lowering service delivery costs.

Sivaramakrishnan Ramamoorthy, Chief Operating Officer of ITSS Global stated: “In this pleasured moment, I take this opportunity to congratulate and extend my heartfelt gratitude to the project team. Without their tenacious dedication and ability to adapt to evolving conditions and requirements, it would not have been possible to have completed the task during these special circumstances brought on by the pandemic, ensuring that the project got delivered remotely and GO-LIVE successfully”.

We also extend our congratulations to HengeHe, because after 7 months of determination and, guided by their zealous devotion to the best interest of their clients, they successfully went live in the middle of a pandemic. Therefore, we wish to extend our sincere gratitude to them and Temenos for their confidence and faith in partnering with us.

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ITSS and FacePhi reach a global agreement to accelerate digitalisation in the banking sector

ITSS and FacePhi reach a global agreement to accelerate digitalisation in the banking sector

Information Technology and Solutions and Services (ITSS) and FacePhi have reached a strategic agreement to accelerate digitalisation in the banking sector, through the integration of biometric recognition solutions and digital onboarding systems globally.

Through this partnership, both companies close a major alliance in the fintech field, in which the use of consensual identity verification with facial recognition will play a prominent role. Another objective of the agreement signed by ITSS and the Spanish company is to promote inclusive banking and improve accessibility for users, making it easier to open accounts and manage financial transactions.

“The use of biometric solutions has been growing steadily in recent years among financial institutions. It is one of the technologies that has joined the digitalisation process of banking with the greatest force, in which the human factor and user accessibility are playing a key role. Thanks to ITSS and its long experience in the integration of software for banks, we hope to be a reference in this important process of digital transformation, providing tools to companies and institutions, without forgetting that the security and privacy of the user is a fundamental point”

Javier Mira, CEO, facePhi

“ITSS provides agile digital onboarding strategies that help banks capitalize on the benefits of innovative technology. Our alliance with FacePhi will enable us to offer state-of-the-art biometric solutions to banks and financial institutions. We are excited to continue on this path with FacePhi ensuring that security and privacy continues to be paramount in banking digital transformation.”

Patrick Jaccoud, CEO, ITSS Global

About FacePhi

FacePhi is the leading Spanish company in biometric solutions for identity verification, specialized in facial recognition systems, digital onboarding and safe work environments. Based in Alicante and worldwide visibility, the company has a presence in more than 25 countries, has performed more than a billion authentications, 21 million access programs and has a strong presence in the banking sector. The drive of biometrics to improve customer experience and protect data from citizens and entities is the hallmark of the firm.

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ITSS selected by Temenos AGAIN! This time for Implementation project with the Bank of Kigali

ITSS GLOBAL selected by Temenos AGAIN! This time for Implementation project with the Bank of Kigali

Geneva, December 3, 2020 – ITSS Global is pleased to announce that we have been selected by Temenos for the implementation of their Data lake & Analytics solution for the Bank of Kigali.

As the first Temenos Data Lake implementation in the region, the Bank of Kigali is positioned to leverage the benefits of near real time management of large amounts of data to advance their competitive edge in the Rwandan market.

ITSS would like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to Temenos and the Bank of Kigali for their trust. We are immeasurably proud of our 19 years of experience with Temenos system integration and we are confident about delivering a successful project for the Bank of Kigali.

About Bank of Kigali

The bank was incorporated in the Republic of Rwanda in 1966 as a joint venture between the Government of Rwanda and Belgolaise, the subsidiary of Fortis Bank. The Government of Rwanda acquired the Belgolaise share in 2007, thus increasing its direct and indirect shareholding in the Bank to 100%. The bank has won several awards throughout the years, including yearly repetitions of Best African Bank of the year, Best East African Bank and Best Bank in Rwanda between 2011 and 2016.

To learn more about Bank of Kigali visit

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ITSS Global e Inteligo Bank se complace en anunciar que Inteligo Bank salió en vivo con el sistema de Core bancario Temenos Transact R18 en Panamá

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ITSS Global e Inteligo Bank se complace en anunciar que Inteligo Bank salió en vivo con el sistema de Core bancario Temenos Transact R18 en Panamá

Geneva, Septiembre 4, 2020 ITSS Global e Inteligo Bank se complace en anunciar que Inteligo Bank salió en vivo con el sistema de Core bancario Temenos Transact R18 en Panamá. Este proyecto es fundamental para la estrategia de transformación digital de Inteligo para mejorar sus servicios de banca corporativa y privada. El proyecto de actualización del Core lo llevó a cabo el equipo de TI del banco en colaboración con ITSS Global, un partner certificado de Temenos con más de 19 años de experiencia en la integración de software bancario.

La nueva versión de Core bancario de Inteligo Bank permitirá al banco ampliar su capacidad, mejorar procesos y desempeño, además de satisfacer las necesidades, cada vez más exigentes, de sus clientes.

“Ya estamos viendo los beneficios y estamos muy satisfechos con nuestra elección de ITSS Global como integrador de esta actualización. Demostraron su alto nivel de experiencia, acompañándonos en todo el camino, cumpliendo con cada requisito y finalmente saliendo en vivo con éxito, incluso en medio de la pandemia”

dijo Alfredo Castro, Gerente de Tecnología e Información de Inteligo Bank

Durante los últimos meses del proyecto, todo el equipo trabajó de forma remota y en diferentes zonas horarias, llevando a cabo el proyecto con éxito. Este es el primer proyecto en el que ITSS capacitó al equipo de un banco en todo el proceso de actualización desde una ubicación remota. Este enfoque flexible permitió al equipo superar con éxito las circunstancias desafiantes únicas y demostrar aún más la pericia y las capacidades de coordinación precisa de ITSS, así como las excelentes habilidades del banco en la gestión del proyecto.


“Estamos orgullosos de ver que después de 14 meses, y en medio de una pandemia global, Inteligo Bank salió en vivo. Una vez más hemos demostrado que ITSS puede superar cualquier desafío que surja en el camino, y gracias a nuestro equipo profesional y dedicado, que trabajó desde varios continentes para que esto fuera posible. Más importante aún, no habríamos podido lograr salir en vivo sin el compromiso y la profesionalidad de Inteligo Bank”

Jayachandran Thiagaraj, Chief Technology Officer of ITSS

Para Inteligo Bank, uno de los principales objetivos de este proyecto era trabajar con un sistema de Core bancario de próxima generación.


“Temenos Transact es el Core más completo del mercado, dada la inversión continua que hace Temenos en el producto, queríamos aprovechar la funcionalidad superior en sus nuevas versiones. Sabemos que una actualización del Core bancario es un desafío, pero confiábamos en el partner que elegimos para llevarla a cabo. Nunca hubiéramos imaginado que el proyecto coincidiría con una pandemia global. El equipo de ITSS demostró su capacidad y profesionalismo incluso ante un imprevisto de esta magnitud”

remarcó Luis Miguel Vásquez, CIO de Inteligo Bank

ITSS ha podido acelerar la adopción, por parte de los clientes de Temenos, de la tecnología más avanzada disponible en la industria, y ha estado creciendo rápidamente en la región de América.


““¡Estamos muy entusiasmados con la huella que estamos dejando en América Latina! A medida que avanza la era digital, clientes como Inteligo Bank podrán satisfacer las demandas del mercado gracias a su plataforma de última generación. ¡Nos gustaría agradecer a Inteligo por confiar en ITSS en este viaje, y estamos muy orgullosos de haber sido parte de este logro!”


Expresó José Frank Almeyda, Director Regional de ITSS para America

Sobre Inteligo Bank

Establecido en 1995 en Las Bahamas, Inteligo Bank tiene una sucursal en Panamá, que está regulada por separado (por la Superintendencia de Bancos de Panamá). Brinda servicios de asesoría financiera y gestión patrimonial internacional. Forma parte de Intercorp, una corporación peruana comprometida con el crecimiento y el bienestar de todas las familias.


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ITSS Global is pleased to announce that Inteligo Bank is live with Temenos Transact R18 Core Banking System in Panama!

Spanish Version

ITSS Global and Inteligo Bank are pleased to announce that Inteligo Bank is live with Temenos Transact R18 Core Banking System in Panama!


Geneva, October 12, 2020 – ITSS Global and Inteligo Bank are pleased to announce that Inteligo Bank is live with Temenos Transact R18 Core Banking System in Panama. This project is fundamental to Inteligo’s digital transformation strategy to enhance its corporate and private banking services. The core upgrade project was carried out by the bank´s IT team in collaboration with ITSS Global, a Temenos Certified Partner with over 19 years of experience in banking software integration. The new core banking version at Inteligo Bank will allow the bank to expand their capacity, improve processes and performance, in addition to satisfying the increasingly demanding needs of their clients.

“We are already seeing the benefits and are very satisfied with our choice of ITSS Global as the integrator of this upgrade. They demonstrated their high level of expertise, accompanying us all the way, complying with each requirement, and finally going live successfully even in the middle of a pandemic”

Alfredo Castro, Technology Manager of Inteligo Bank

During the last few months of the project, the entire team worked remotely and in different time zones, successfully seeing the project through. This is the first project ever in which ITSS trained a bank’s team on the entire upgrade process from a remote location. This flexible approach allowed the team to successfully overcome the unique challenging circumstances and further demonstrate ITSS expertise and precise coordination capabilities, as well as the bank’s excellent project managing skills.

“We are proud to see that after 14 months, and in the middle of a global pandemic, Inteligo Bank went live. Once again, we have shown that ITSS can overcome any challenge that comes along the way. Thanks to our professional and dedicated delivery team which worked across multiple continents to make it happen. Most importantly, we could not have achieved a go-live without the commitment and professionalism of Inteligo Bank.”

Jayachandran Thiagaraj, Chief Technology Officer of ITSS

For Inteligo Bank, one of the main goals of this project was to work with a next-generation core banking system.

“Temenos Transact is the most complete core on the market, given the continuous investment Temenos makes in the product we wanted to leverage the superior functionality in its new versions. We know that a core banking upgrade is a challenge, but we were confident of the partner we chose to carry it out. We would have never imagined that the project would coincide with a global pandemic. ITSS team demonstrated their ability and professionalism even when facing an unforeseen event of this magnitude.”

Luis Miguel Vásquez, CIO of Inteligo Bank

ITSS has been able to accelerate Temenos clients’ adoption of the most advanced technology available for the industry, and has been rapidly growing in the Americas.

“We are very excited about the footprint we are leaving in Latin America! As the digital era advances, clients such as Inteligo Bank will be able to meet the demands of the market thanks to its state-of-the-art platform. We would like to thank Inteligo for trusting ITSS in this journey, and we are very proud to have been part of this achievement!”

José Frank Almeyda, ITSS Regional Director of Sales for America 

About Inteligo Bank

Established in 1995 in The Bahamas, Inteligo Bank has a branch in Panama, which is regulated separately (by the Superintendence of Banks of Panama). It provides financial advisory and international wealth management services. It is part of Intercorp, a Peruvian corporation which is committed to the growth and wellbeing of all families.

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ITSS entrega una implementación de Temenos Transact 100% remota para Banco Ripley Perú en medio de la cuarentena del COVID-19

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ITSS entrega una implementación de Temenos Transact 100% remota para Banco Ripley Perú en medio de la cuarentena del COVID-19

El pasado 22 de junio, Banco Ripley, en Perú, estrenó un nuevo sistema central de transacciones, o core bancario, con la salida a producción de T24 Temenos Transact R18. El proyecto consistió en la migración de más de 1.7 millones de clientes en 36 sucursales y varios productos de la banca retail.

“Planificamos un proyecto de 15 meses. Habíamos elegido T24 por tener la profundidad funcional y la escalabilidad que necesita nuestro negocio para seguir creciendo. Sabíamos que era una meta retadora pero también estábamos seguros de que contábamos con el mejor equipo para alcanzarla, la mejor solución tecnológica como lo es T24 Temenos Transact y el mejor integrador de esta plataforma, Information Technology Solution Services (ITSS). El cambio fue prácticamente transparente para nuestros clientes y relacionados y confiamos en que nuestra estrategia de negocios podrá ser ejecutada sobre esta nueva plataforma tecnológica”

Jorge Luis Sifuentes, VP de Operaciones & Tecnología de Banco Ripley-Perú

“Cuando una empresa ha participado con éxito en más de 400 proyectos en 41 países, se podría pensar que le quedan pocos desafíos por enfrentar. Fue entonces cuando tuvimos que ponernos en marcha en medio de una pandemia global con la mayoría del equipo trabajando de forma remota y muy pocos en el sitio. Sin embargo, gracias al compromiso del equipo de Ripley, nuestros empleados y los consultores de Temenos, pudimos realizar un despliegue 100% remoto. Banco Ripley es especial en todos los aspectos para ITSS en la región y entregar un proyecto exitoso a una organización exigente y al mismo tiempo de reputación es realmente satisfactorio.”

Jayachandran Thiagaraj, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) de ITSS

“el proyecto de cambio de core bancario en Banco Ripley será siempre una gran referencia en la región y un estándar a vencer en nuestros futuros proyectos.  Resaltó el compromiso de la Alta Gerencia de Ripley, ITSS y Temenos y el nivel de involucramiento de los mismos.”

José Frank Almeyda, Director Regional de Ventas para América de ITSS

Sobre Banco Ripley

Banco Ripley-Perú es una filial de Ripley Corp. que es el holding de empresas que agrupan los negocios retail, financiero e inmobiliario, con gravitante presencia en Chile y Perú. Ripley es en la actualidad uno de los principales operadores de retail en Sudamérica, con más de 70 locales y 3 millones de clientes financieros.

Para conocer mas sobre Banco Ripley visita:

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ITSS delivers a 100% remote Temenos Transact implementation for Banco Ripley Peru amidst the COVID-19 lockdown

Versión en español

ITSS delivers a 100% remote Temenos Transact implementation for Banco Ripley Perú amidst COVID-19 lockdown

Geneva, September 16, 2020 – On June 22th, Banco Ripley, in Perú, launched a new central transaction system, or core banking system, with the production of T24 Temenos Transact R18. The project consisted of the migration of more than 1.7 million customers in 36 branches and various products of retail banking.

“We planned a 15-months project. We had chosen T24 because it has the functional depth and scalability that our business needs to continue growing. We knew that it was a challenging goal but we were also sure that we had the best team to achieve it, the best technological solution such as T24 Temenos Transact and the best integrator of this platform, Information Technology Solution Services (ITSS). The change was practically transparent for our clients and stakeholders and we trust that our business strategy will be able to be executed on this new technological platform”

Jorge Luis Sifuentes, VP of Operations & Technology – Banco Ripley-Peru

““When a company has participated successfully on more than 400+ projects in 41 countries, you would think that it has few challenges left to face. That’s when we had to go live in the middle of a global pandemic with most of the team working remotely and very few on site. However, thanks to the commitment of the Ripley team, our employees and Temenos consultants, we were able to perform a 100% remote deployment. Banco Ripley is special in every aspect for ITSS in the region and delivering a successful project to a demanding and at the same time reputational organization is really satisfying. Together we enable banks to elevate their market agility in an ever-changing payment ecosystem”

Jayachandran Thiagaraj, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) – ITSS

“the project to change the core banking system at Banco Ripley will always be a great reference in the region and a standard to be overcome in our future projects.” It’s a true reflection of the commitment of the Senior Management of Ripley, ITSS and Temenos and their level of involvement in all phases of the project.”

José Frank Almeyda, Regional Director of Sales for America – ITSS

About Banco Ripley – Perú

Banco Ripley – Perú is a subsidiary of Ripley Corp., which is the holding company for the retail, financial and real estate businesses, with a significant presence in Chile and Peru. Ripley is currently one of the leading retail operators in South America, with more than 70 stores and 3 million financial clients.

To learn more about Banco Ripley visit

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ITSS and TAS announce strategic partnership to boost innovation in the payments solutions domain

ITSS and TAS announce strategic partnership to boost innovation in the payments solutions domain

Geneva and Milan, September 14, 2020 – Information Technology and Solutions and Services (ITSS), a global banking software integrator, and TAS Group (TAS), a global provider of digital payments software solutions, are pleased to announce their new strategic alliance aimed at accelerating innovation in Financial Services.

Through this partnership, ITSS together with TAS, both Temenos partners, will strengthen their services and be able to offer best-in-class solutions in the area of Payments, Card Management Services and Intraday Liquidity management to Temenos T24 Transact core banking customers worldwide.

TAS’s state-of-the-art software allows banks, both incumbents and digital-first challengers, to deliver innovative payments products with a short time-to-market, integrating with and leveraging the latest technologies and making use of rich-data APIs to offer end users a superior customer experience. For over 35 years, TAS, through its deep domain expertise and advanced technology has brought its flexible, secure and high-performance solutions to financial operators around the world. Now, supported through this synergistic partnership, T24 Transact customers can leverage CARD 3.0 IE, a flexible, modular and scalable card issuing, acquiring and processing platform that can be easily and quickly deployed either on-premise or on the cloud.

Since 2001, ITSS has been committed to delivering banking technology services and solutions to banks and financial institutions worldwide. As a Temenos partner, it has supported over 220 Temenos clients as a system integrator for all Temenos products including: T24 Transact, FCM, Islamic banking, TAP, Multifonds, Inclusive banking and Infinity. ITSS’ global delivery capability and extended service offering enables it to establish long term partnerships with its clients.

“We are delighted to team up with fellow Temenos partner, ITSS, a leading system integrator with a global reach and excellent reputation, to bring powerful payments solutions through an extensive library of APIs integrated into T24 Transact core banking to clients in a matter of weeks. Together we enable banks to elevate their market agility in an ever-changing payment ecosystem”

Umberto Pardi, Executive Vice President of International Channel Sales, TAS group

“We are excited to embark on this mutually beneficial partnership with TAS to offer sophisticated payments solutions to our clients from a renowned partner. As we join forces to strengthen and expand our service delivery to our T24 Transact clients, we are confident that we will accelerate business growth for our clients to remain competitive”

Patrick Jaccoud, CEO, ITSS Global

About TAS

TAS’s state-of-the-art software allows banks, both incumbents and digital-first challengers, to deliver innovative payments products with a short time-to-market, integrating with and leveraging the latest technologies and making use of rich-data APIs to offer end users a superior customer experience. For over 35 years, TAS, through its deep domain expertise and advanced technology has brought its flexible, secure and high-performance solutions to financial operators around the world. Now, supported through this synergistic partnership, T24 Transact customers can leverage CARD 3.0 IE, a flexible, modular and scalable card issuing, acquiring and processing platform that can be easily and quickly deployed either on-premise or on the cloud.

To learn more about TAS visit

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ITSS has been chosen by HengHe (Cambodia) Commercial Bank PLC as Temenos’ Implementation Partner for T24 Transact!

ITSS has been chosen by HengHe (Cambodia) Commercial Bank PLC as Temenos’ Implementation Partner for T24 Transact!

One more feather in the cap for the ITSS team!

We are delighted to announce that HengHe (Cambodia) Commercial Bank PLC has selected ITSS to Implement Temenos T24 Transact which will accelerate the adoption of digital banking services, as well as promote social and economic progress.

As a certified Global Temenos Partner, ITSS will be implementing T24 Transact Release 20. This Green Field Implementation project kicked off on the 31st of July 2020.

HengHe Group was established in 2018, with the aim of making financial services easily accessible throughout Cambodia. Henghe Group is headquartered in Diamond Island, Phnom Penh City, Cambodia. They are a real estate investment and development centre, which covers commercial real estate, property management, financial investment, hotel catering, entertainment, tourism development, international trade and other fields. The pride themselves as a diversified, international, large enterprise group.

The Group adheres to the core corporate philosophy of “Hengpin Perseverance, Unity and Cooperation”, which adheres to the people-oriented, win-win cooperation and actively innovate and forge ahead in the construction of smart cities, thereby making its’ own contribution to Cambodia’s urban construction and social development. They have successfully achieved business management goals which create value for customers, create profits for shareholders, create opportunities for employees and create benefits for society.

Temenos T24 Transact will optimize HengHe’s operations which will enable them to deliver enhanced digital products on a much shorter timescale. Temenos technology will enable Henghe to make this offer more accessible and cost effective by significantly lowering the financial costs.

We wish to extend our sincere gratitude to Temenos and HengHe Bank for their confidence and faith in partnering with us and looking forward to a long-lasting relationship in the future. We warmly welcome HengHe Bank to the ITSS Elite Customer Portfolio.

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ITSS has been chosen by B.I.C Bank Cambodia as Temenos’ Implementation Partner to Implement T24 Transact!!

ITSS has been chosen by B.I.C Bank Cambodia as Temenos’ Implementation Partner to Implement T24 Transact!!

ITSS is proud to announce that we have been selected by B.I.C (Cambodia) Bank PLC, to implement T24 Transact Release 20(R20). Over the past few weeks, ITSS and Temenos have been in detailed discussions with B.I.C Bank to develop a Project Road Map and Implementation Strategy on the best way forward to migrate B.I.C’s existing system to T24 R20.

The implementation project kicked off 22 July 2020 and is ITSS’s second consecutive project in the region. This proves ITSS dominance in the regional market.

In a challenging climate, where banks take a cautious approach to vendor selection, ITSS is confident that it will continue to dominate the Temenos implementation market globally and can assure our clients that they will be in the hands of a strong global partner, that will reduce risk and guarantee a successful project.

We extend our appreciation to Temenos and B.I.C Bank for their trust and confidence in partnering with us and look forward to a long-lasting relationship in the future. We warmly welcome B.I.C Bank to ITSS Elite Customer Portfolio.

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